Friday 30 October 2020

Dancing Ghost Experiment

  Age Range: 4-11    

 Equipment needed: Tissue, scissors, tape, balloon

Adult supervision may be required to blow up and tie the balloon


Dancing Ghost Experiment

 If you love Halloween, well get excited, because I've made a fun Halloween science experiment for you guys to try. On this post, I'll be showing you how to make the dancing ghost experiment. This experiment is simple, but very effective.    

This is also a good challenge of making your own ghost dance by using nothing but a bit of static electricity. 

To make your dancing ghost, you will need all the items from the image below as well as using either your hair or a rug to rub your balloon on.

To do the dancing ghost experiment:

Start with your tissue

 Draw a ghost on to your tissue. Add a face as well to your ghost if you like. Feel free to experiment with larger and smaller sizes of your ghost.

  Cut your ghost out from your tissue
Tape the very tip of the bottom of your ghost to your table/surface
Rub your balloon on your hair or rug to give it a static charge
Hold your balloon over your ghost to make it dance and there you have it..........
Your own dancing ghost
The science behind this:                                                                                  When you rub the balloon through your hair or rug, invisible electrons build up on the surface of the balloon. The electrons have the power to pull up very light objects towards them and in this case, the ghost tissue!

Thank you and hope you enjoyed the blog post. Please leave in the comments how you found doing the dancing ghost experiment and be sure to check out some of my other blog posts on Danny's Blog. Have a wonderful Halloween!!😊👻

Tuesday 27 October 2020

Ghost Pretzels

 Age Range: 5-11

Equipment needed: White chocolate chips, mini pretzels, candy eyeballs, fork and spoon

Ghost Pretzels

  If you love Halloween, well get excited, because I've made a fun Halloween treat for you guys to try. These ghost pretzels are a huge hit and they are so flipping easy to make! 
They require only a handful of ingredients as shown by the image below.
To make your ghost pretzels: 

Line a baking tray with baking paper or parchment paper and then set aside 

Melt the white chocolate in a glass bowl in the microwave, for short 10-20 second bursts mixing, until melted.

Immediately dip pretzels, one at a time, into the bowl 
Shake off the excess chocolate from the pretzel with the fork. If you like, you could shake the chocolate out of the bottom hole, so it looks like an open mouth -- screaming.

Place chocolate dipped pretzels on the prepared baking sheet 

Immediately press two eyeballs into the top two holes for eyes -- add a little extra chocolate if needed. 
Repeat with remaining pretzels. Work quickly and re-heat the chocolate again only once, if needed.
Allow pretzels to rest and harden. You could either place them in the fridge for 1 hour or place them in the freezer for 10 minutes to speed up the process.  
Peel pretzels off the baking sheet and enjoy your ghost pretzels!
Thank you and hope you enjoyed the blog post. Please leave in the comments how you found making your own ghost pretzels and be sure to check out some of my other blog posts on Danny's Blog. Have a wonderful Halloween!!😊👻

Paper Plate Pumpkin Mask

 Age Range: 5-11

Equipment needed: Orange paper plate, milk jug lid, black card/paper, scissors, tape, glue, straw, lollipop stick

Adult supervision may be required

Paper Plate Pumpkin Mask

On this blog post, I have a Halloween themed craft activity for you guys to try. I'm going to be showing you guys step by step on how to make your own paper plate pumpkin mask which is sure to scare your friends.  
This simple Halloween craft activity helps develop your creativity and construction skills.

 To make your paper plate pumpkin mask: 

 Start with your orange paper plate. If you have a white paper plate, you can colour it in with an orange felt tip pen.
Trace your eyes on the back of your plate using the milk jug lid and place them about 1 inch apart

Carefully cut out the eyes using scissors by making holes in the middle of them. Ask for an adult's help if you are not confident to do so.
After you've made the holes, cut around both of them
You now have your eyes complete for your mask
With your black card/paper, draw eyebrows, nose and mouth and then cut out the pieces with your scissors
Glue your eyebrows, nose and mouth on your paper plate
Once you've done that, your face is complete
Turn your plate over and tape half of the lollipop stick for the stem at the top of the mask
Tape a straw on the bottom half of the mask to make it easy to hold
And you have your own pumpkin mask!

Watch the Paper Plate Pumpkin Mask video:

Thank you and hope you enjoyed the blog post. Please leave in the comments how you found making your own pumpkin mask as well as any feedback you may have with this post and be sure to check out some of my other blog posts on Danny's Blog. Have a wonderful Halloween!! 😊🎃

Mummy Dogs

 Age Range: 6-11

Ingredients: Jus-Rol Croissant Roll Dough, Hot Dogs, Candy eyes, Tomato Ketchup or Mustard

Vegetarian hot dogs also work for this recipe

Adult Supervision Required
Mummy Dogs

If you love Halloween, well get excited, because I've made a fun Halloween snack for you guys to try on this blog post. These Mummy Dogs are a classic Halloween recipe that are super easy and are guaranteed to bring a sense of achievement one these are made. You will only require the ingredients from the image below.

To make your mummy dogs:                                        

Pre-heat oven to 375F/176C/ Gas Mark 5
Open your croissant roll package and unroll the dough so you have 6 triangles
 Start with one of your triangles
Cut the dough into thin strips
Wrap the thin strips of dough around each hot dog creating bandages similar to a mummy. Stretch the dough slightly and allow it overlap and criss-cross. Try to not completely cover the hot dog and try to leave gaps, so that it looks like a mummy peeking out from its bandages.
Once you've done one hot dog, do the same for the rest of your hot dogs and place them on a baking sheet when completed.
Bake for 12-15 minutes or until the dough is golden brown and hot dogs are warmed through.
Remove from the oven and allow to cool
Place a small dot of ketchup or mustard on the back of your candy eyes and add 2 eyes to each mummy dog.   
If you don’t have candy eyes, you can draw eyes on by adding a couple of dots of ketchup or mustard to the mummy dogs where the eyes would go. 
And you have made your own mummy dogs
Thank you and hope you enjoyed the blog post. Please leave in the comments how you found making your own mummy dogs and be sure to check out some of my other blog posts on Danny's Blog. Have a wonderful Halloween!!😊

Tuesday 20 October 2020

COVID-19 Science Experiment

 Age Range: 4-11    

Equipment needed:Black Pepper, Water and Soap/Handwash

COVID-19 Science Experiment

On this blog post, we will be doing a COVID-19 Science Experiment which teaches children about germs and why washing you hands is so important, especially during the coronavirus pandemic.

For this experiment, you'll need:

• Black Pepper

The black pepper for this experiment will act as the COVID-19 germs

• Water

Water will act as the surface of your hand

• Soap/Handwash

Soap/Handwash is what you use to wash your hands with 


To do this experiment:

Step 1: Sprinkle pepper onto the water
These are the "germs" that are on the surface of our skin
Step 2: Dip your finger in the "germs" 
Look how the germs stick to your hand! Yuck!!

Now, here's what happens when you use soap and wash your hands.

Step 3: Pour soap/handwash on your finger

Step 4: Coat your finger in the soap/handwash
This is you washing your hands 
Step 5: Stick your soapy finger in the "germs"
Watch as you see the "germs" move away when you use soap! This is why washing your hands is so important!

Watch the video of the COVID-19 Science Experiment:


Thank you and hope you enjoyed the blog post. Please leave in the comments how you found making this experiment and be sure to check out some of my other blog posts on Danny's Blog.😊