Friday 30 October 2020

Dancing Ghost Experiment

  Age Range: 4-11    

 Equipment needed: Tissue, scissors, tape, balloon

Adult supervision may be required to blow up and tie the balloon


Dancing Ghost Experiment

 If you love Halloween, well get excited, because I've made a fun Halloween science experiment for you guys to try. On this post, I'll be showing you how to make the dancing ghost experiment. This experiment is simple, but very effective.    

This is also a good challenge of making your own ghost dance by using nothing but a bit of static electricity. 

To make your dancing ghost, you will need all the items from the image below as well as using either your hair or a rug to rub your balloon on.

To do the dancing ghost experiment:

Start with your tissue

 Draw a ghost on to your tissue. Add a face as well to your ghost if you like. Feel free to experiment with larger and smaller sizes of your ghost.

  Cut your ghost out from your tissue
Tape the very tip of the bottom of your ghost to your table/surface
Rub your balloon on your hair or rug to give it a static charge
Hold your balloon over your ghost to make it dance and there you have it..........
Your own dancing ghost
The science behind this:                                                                                  When you rub the balloon through your hair or rug, invisible electrons build up on the surface of the balloon. The electrons have the power to pull up very light objects towards them and in this case, the ghost tissue!

Thank you and hope you enjoyed the blog post. Please leave in the comments how you found doing the dancing ghost experiment and be sure to check out some of my other blog posts on Danny's Blog. Have a wonderful Halloween!!😊👻

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