Tuesday 20 October 2020

COVID-19 Science Experiment

 Age Range: 4-11    

Equipment needed:Black Pepper, Water and Soap/Handwash

COVID-19 Science Experiment

On this blog post, we will be doing a COVID-19 Science Experiment which teaches children about germs and why washing you hands is so important, especially during the coronavirus pandemic.

For this experiment, you'll need:

• Black Pepper

The black pepper for this experiment will act as the COVID-19 germs

• Water

Water will act as the surface of your hand

• Soap/Handwash

Soap/Handwash is what you use to wash your hands with 


To do this experiment:

Step 1: Sprinkle pepper onto the water
These are the "germs" that are on the surface of our skin
Step 2: Dip your finger in the "germs" 
Look how the germs stick to your hand! Yuck!!

Now, here's what happens when you use soap and wash your hands.

Step 3: Pour soap/handwash on your finger

Step 4: Coat your finger in the soap/handwash
This is you washing your hands 
Step 5: Stick your soapy finger in the "germs"
Watch as you see the "germs" move away when you use soap! This is why washing your hands is so important!

Watch the video of the COVID-19 Science Experiment:


Thank you and hope you enjoyed the blog post. Please leave in the comments how you found making this experiment and be sure to check out some of my other blog posts on Danny's Blog.😊

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