Friday 4 June 2021

Light Refraction Science Experiment

  Age Range: 4-11

 Equipment needed: Glass, water, black pen and paper

Light Refraction Science Experiment
On this blog post, I'll be showing you a science magic trick by doing the light refraction science experiment. The results of this experiment are always very surprising. Children and adults will be amazed as to what causes the arrow in this experiment to change direction right before your very eyes.

To do the light refraction science experiment:

 Draw one arrow at the top of your paper
Draw another arrow at the bottom of your paper making sure both arrows point in the same direction
 Colour your arrows in with a black pen
Fill your glass with water
Slowly lower the piece of paper behind the glass of water
Look through the glass of water and see what happens.
You'll see the arrow at the bottom has now completely changed direction

The science behind this:    

This experiment is caused by a science topic called refraction. Refraction is the bending of light and occurs when light travels from one place to another. This can be air to water or water to air.

In the experiment, light traveled from the image through the air and then through the glass into the water and finally out of the glass and into the air once again before it reaches our eyes. Light refracts from one place to another because it travels at different speeds through those places. Light travels faster through air, a little slower through water and even slower through glass.

This shows that the light bends once when it travels through the glass into the water and bends again when it travels out of the glass and into the air. This is why the light paths crossed and the arrow appeared to change direction when you see it.

Watch the video to see how to do the light refraction science experiment:

Thanks guys and hope you enjoyed the post today. Be sure to leave a comment on how you found doing the light refraction science experiment and be sure to check out some of my other blog posts.😀

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