Wednesday 30 December 2020

Looking forward to the New Year.....

 Age: 3-11

Equipment: None

With 2020 coming to a close, it's time to look forward to the new year and what can be possible for you guys. On this blog post, I have set my own resolutions for the new year and hopefully this can inspire you guys to make your own and what you would like to achieve for the new year. 
Here are my resolutions for 2021:
I want to learn how to play a new instrument and learn some new skills.
I want to go on more holidays this year. With the ongoing pandemic, it has been very difficult but hopefully in 2021, I can achieve this.
I want to do more activities that put me out of my comfort zone and allow me to try new experiences.
I want to read more books about the world that explores my understanding on it.
I want to improve my cooking skills and bake/cook newer and more recipes.
I want to imagine how successful my life can be through what I have achieved and what is still possible for me.
I want to try running 5ks on a weekly basis so that I can take part in my first ever 5k run event.
I want to change my mentality on different things. This being more positivity in my life and how I respond to different situations.
I want to keep putting smiles on people's faces whether it be through my blog, or overall going out of my way to make someone feel special. I also want to carry on the good work I have been doing in my job and hope it leads me to newer opportunities.
In the new year, I am going to achieve all of these resolutions.

Thanks guys for seeing this blog post. I hope this page can inspire you all to make your own 2021 resolutions which I am confident you all will be able to achieve. Happy New Year!!! 😀

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