Wednesday 30 December 2020

Looking forward to the New Year.....

 Age: 3-11

Equipment: None

With 2020 coming to a close, it's time to look forward to the new year and what can be possible for you guys. On this blog post, I have set my own resolutions for the new year and hopefully this can inspire you guys to make your own and what you would like to achieve for the new year. 
Here are my resolutions for 2021:
I want to learn how to play a new instrument and learn some new skills.
I want to go on more holidays this year. With the ongoing pandemic, it has been very difficult but hopefully in 2021, I can achieve this.
I want to do more activities that put me out of my comfort zone and allow me to try new experiences.
I want to read more books about the world that explores my understanding on it.
I want to improve my cooking skills and bake/cook newer and more recipes.
I want to imagine how successful my life can be through what I have achieved and what is still possible for me.
I want to try running 5ks on a weekly basis so that I can take part in my first ever 5k run event.
I want to change my mentality on different things. This being more positivity in my life and how I respond to different situations.
I want to keep putting smiles on people's faces whether it be through my blog, or overall going out of my way to make someone feel special. I also want to carry on the good work I have been doing in my job and hope it leads me to newer opportunities.
In the new year, I am going to achieve all of these resolutions.

Thanks guys for seeing this blog post. I hope this page can inspire you all to make your own 2021 resolutions which I am confident you all will be able to achieve. Happy New Year!!! 😀

Wednesday 23 December 2020

Nutella Pastry Christmas Tree

  Age Range: 6-11

Ingredients: Nutella spread, 2 packs of frozen puff pastry, 1 egg(optional)

Adult Supervision Required

Nutella Pastry Christmas Tree

 With Christmas fast approaching, what better way to get into the festive season by making your own nutella pastry Christmas tree. On this post, I will be showing you a step by step guide on how to make your own indulgent nutella Christmas tree which is easier to make than you think. They require only a handful of ingredients as shown by the image below.

To make your nutella pastry christmas tree:

Pre-heat your oven to 375F/190C/ Gas Mark 5

Roll out one puff pastry sheet into a large rectangle and place on your prepared baking sheet/tray.
Lightly score your puff pastry into the shape of a Christmas tree (triangle) similar to the image below
Spread nutella spread over the triangle in a thin layer with your spoon
Roll out your second sheet of puff pastry to a large rectangle and place on top of the first one.
Carefully trace the shape of the nutella covered triangle underneath
Cut out the Christmas tree shape and the trunk and pull away any excess pastry
Cut branches into the sides of the triangle
Twist the branches away from you, trying to get in 2 turns on the lower branches. Continue moving up the tree, twisting away from you as you go.
Cut a small star out of your excess pastry and place on top of your tree.

OPTIONAL: Brush your star and tree with a beaten egg
Bake in the preheated oven until puffy and golden brown for 12 to 15 minutes. 
Cool slightly for about 5 minutes.
You have made your own nutella pastry Christmas tree

Thank you and hope you enjoyed the blog post. Please leave in the comments how you found making your own nutella pastry Christmas tree and be sure to check out some of my other blog posts on Danny's Blog. Hope you and your families have a wonderful Christmas!😊🎄

Friday 18 December 2020

Go Shovel the Snow Xmas Game

 Age 3-11

Equipment needed: 10 pulled apart cotton balls, 1 heavy bowl/plate, 1 bowl (doesn't have to be heavy) and a spoon

Mini-marshmallows are an easy alternative for this game as cotton balls tend to stick together when playing

Go Shovel the Snow Xmas Game

 If you love Christmas, well get excited, because I've got a challenging but fun indoor game for you guys to try. For this simple indoor game, you can shovel snow with out going outside. This game is simple enough for kids but yet very challenging for adults to play.

You require only a couple of items to play this game as shown by the image below.

To play the game:

Start with your cotton balls or marshmallows on your plate and place the handle of your spoon in your mouth. 

Try and scoop up the cotton balls onto your spoon

Once scooped up, aim to place them into your bowl. Do this for all your remaining cotton balls or marshmallows.

With this game, you'll tend to find it becomes more difficult with the remaining cotton balls left. It can also be much tougher as well if the cotton balls fall off the plate. Keep trying and you'll be able to scoop all of the snow up!!

How to progress......

  • Use a smaller spoon
  • Set a time limit of 1 minute to see how many you can get 
  • Using smaller cotton balls
  • Challenge your family and your friends to see how many they can get
  • Try this game blindfolded


Watch Go Shovel the Snow Xmas Game video:

Thank you and hope you enjoyed the blog post. Please leave in the comments how you found playing the go shovel the snow Xmas game and be sure to check out some of my other blog posts on Danny's Blog. Have a wonderful Xmas!! 😊⛄

Friday 11 December 2020

Snake Palm Art

 Age Range: 4-11

Equipment needed: A4 sheet paper, black, purple and orange felt tip pen
Snake Palm Art

Have you ever wanted to learn how to draw a snake? Well you can do this, simply by using the palm of your hand. ✋🐍

To draw your snake:
Place your left hand on a sheet of paper with your three middle fingers curled towards your hand and your baby finger and thumb extended outwards
Draw round your hand
Draw a line to connect your thumb together
Add a further 3 lines to join your snake together similar to the image below
Draw triangles on to your snake
For the tongue, draw a line curving upwards similar to the image below
For the eyes, draw two circles with one being inside the snake and one just outside the snake. Next, draw another two circles inside the two you have just drawn
Colour the first circles you have already drawn with a black pen making sure you avoid colouring the second smaller circles inside them
Colour your snake in with a purple pen
Finally, colour the triangles of your snake in with an orange pen and you have made your own snake palm art

Watch the Snake Palm Art video:

Thank you and hope you enjoyed the blog post. Please leave in the comments how you found drawing your own snake as well as any feedback you may have. Please also leave in the comments any animals you'd like me to draw for you guys and be sure to check out some of my other blog posts on Danny's Blog.😊🐍

Friday 4 December 2020

Easy Tortilla Pizzas

Age Range: 6-11

Ingredients: Pizza Topping Sauce, Tortillas, Cheese, Vegetable toppings(Optional) 

Adult Supervision Required


Easy Tortilla Pizzas

In this post, you will learn how to make your own tortilla pizzas which require only a handful of ingredients as shown by the image below.

To make your tortilla pizzas...... 
Pre-heat your oven to 350F/176C/ Gas Mark 5 

 Grate cheese and chop any vegetables you want to use as toppings

 Place tortillas on baking tray and spread 1 Tbsp of pizza sauce evenly          around your tortilla
Sprinkle a thin layer of cheese on top of your pizza sauce
Add any vegetables as toppings on top of the cheese
Bake tortillas for 5-10 mins or until cheese has melted through
You have made your own tortilla pizza 
Thank you and hope you enjoyed the blog post. Please leave in the comments how you found making your own tortilla pizzas and be sure to check out some of my other blog posts on Danny's Blog.😊