Friday 18 December 2020

Go Shovel the Snow Xmas Game

 Age 3-11

Equipment needed: 10 pulled apart cotton balls, 1 heavy bowl/plate, 1 bowl (doesn't have to be heavy) and a spoon

Mini-marshmallows are an easy alternative for this game as cotton balls tend to stick together when playing

Go Shovel the Snow Xmas Game

 If you love Christmas, well get excited, because I've got a challenging but fun indoor game for you guys to try. For this simple indoor game, you can shovel snow with out going outside. This game is simple enough for kids but yet very challenging for adults to play.

You require only a couple of items to play this game as shown by the image below.

To play the game:

Start with your cotton balls or marshmallows on your plate and place the handle of your spoon in your mouth. 

Try and scoop up the cotton balls onto your spoon

Once scooped up, aim to place them into your bowl. Do this for all your remaining cotton balls or marshmallows.

With this game, you'll tend to find it becomes more difficult with the remaining cotton balls left. It can also be much tougher as well if the cotton balls fall off the plate. Keep trying and you'll be able to scoop all of the snow up!!

How to progress......

  • Use a smaller spoon
  • Set a time limit of 1 minute to see how many you can get 
  • Using smaller cotton balls
  • Challenge your family and your friends to see how many they can get
  • Try this game blindfolded


Watch Go Shovel the Snow Xmas Game video:

Thank you and hope you enjoyed the blog post. Please leave in the comments how you found playing the go shovel the snow Xmas game and be sure to check out some of my other blog posts on Danny's Blog. Have a wonderful Xmas!! 😊⛄

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