Tuesday 20 October 2020

Coins in the Bucket Game

 Age Range: 4-11  

Equipment needed: Bucket filled with around 3/4 water, coins and a small glass/container

Coins in the Bucket Game

In this post, you will find a step by step guide on how to play the coins in the bucket game or alternatively watch the video at the bottom of the page to see how to play this game

The coins in the bucket game is an easy indoor and outdoor game for kids that provides a lot of amusement for only a handful of coins.  

Try your luck at this watery coins in a bucket game where you’ll find it’s not easy than it looks. You can have as many people as you want to play this game. 

To play the coins in the bucket game you will need:

  • One bucket filled with around 3/4 of water for that bucket
  • Any coins you find, but be sure to ask your parents' permission before you do use them
  • A small glass or container which you will place at the bottom in the centre of your bucket 

Playing the game

Players must drop the coin into the bucket one by one from a height of at least 3 feet from the floor and aim to have them land into the glass. 

Coins dropped that land outside the glass will not be counted. One minute for each player and the player who drops the most coins inside the glass in one

 How to progress....

To progress this game, you could drop the coins from a taller position or use a smaller glass to get your coins in. 


Watch the video to see how to play the coins in the bucket game:


Thanks guys and hope you enjoyed the post today. Be sure to leave a comment on how you found playing this game and be sure to check out our some of my other blogs I have posted. 😊

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