Tuesday 20 October 2020

Addition and Multiplication Pyramid Game

 Age Range : 6-11

Equipment needed: Deck of Cards 

Addition and Multiplication Pyramid Game

In this post, you will find a step by step guide on how to play this game or alternatively watch the video at the bottom of the page to see this game in action

This is a two-player educational game that will help increase your addition and multiplication skills. For this game, you will need a deck of cards. The aim of this game is to earn the most points. So now with your deck of cards, I'm now going to show how to play this game. 

 Firstly, make a pyramid                                                                              

 To make a pyramid, place one card face up at the top of your pyramid. Place 2 cards beneath partially covering it, then another three cards beneath them and so on completing with a row of 7 cards. You should have altogether 28 cards for your pyramid.

Points values for this game are that all number cards equal that number of points. Jacks, Queens and Kings equal 10 and Aces can either be 1 or 11.


1st player will choose two uncovered cards and add them to make a sum.  Since the object of this game is to get the most points, player 1 will pick two cards that will make the highest sum. For example, from the image below, player 1 can choose anything from the bottom row because these cards are uncovered. They will choose the King and Jack as that makes the highest sum. As they choose, you take them both away and write their sum on a piece of paper. Player 2 then chooses two of the uncovered cards to make the highest sum possible. Players keep adding two uncovered cards and writing down the sums until there are no cards left.


  Once all cards have been used, players add up all of their sums and the player with the most points wins. 

  To make the game more fun, try not to add them as you go along. This will make it more of a surprise who the winner will be.



In some cases near the end of the game, as shown here in the picture below, there will only be one uncovered card available. In this case, the player must take the 3 and will add 0 to it since there is no other card to take. The player will then get 3 points for it.  

  How to progress....... 

To progress this game, you can use multiplication instead of addition to play.

To play the multiplication version of this game, players will multiply the cards to make a total rather than adding them to make a sum. Once all cards have been used, players will add up all their scores. Player with the most points wins. There you have it, the Addition or Multiplication Pyramid Game.


Watch the video to see how to play the addition or multiplication pyramid game:

Thanks guys and hope you enjoyed the post today. Be sure to leave a comment on how you found playing this game as well as any other feedback you may have and be sure to check out some of my other blog posts. 😊

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