Friday 26 February 2021

Folding T-shirt Skill

 Age Range: 4-11

Equipment needed: Any short-sleeved tops

Folding T-shirt Skill

Have you spent several minutes trying to fold a t-shirt. Well on this post, I will show you this easy method where you will be able to fold a t-shirt in 3 seconds. 

This is an easy skill to learn which will be great for you to do on your own but most importantly impress your parents as well.

The method:

Start by lying your shirt on its back

Next, draw an imaginary line halfway between the top and bottom of the T-shirt as shown here
Add another line about halfway between the centre line of the T-shirt and the outside edge about here

The point where the lines cross will be point A, the top point will be point B and the bottom point C

Start by pinching your shirt at point A with your left hand and point B with your right hand
Then cross your right hand over to pick up point C
Quickly unfold your arms

Finally, fold the shirt back on itself

 This method works for any short-sleeved from T-shirts to polo tops to shirts.
With practice, you'll be able to do this method and even quicker than me. 😛

Watch the video to learn the folding T-shirt skill:

Thanks guys and hope you enjoyed the post today. Be sure to leave a comment on how you found learning the folding T-shirt skill and be sure to check out some of my other blog posts.😃

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