Friday 26 February 2021

Folding T-shirt Skill

 Age Range: 4-11

Equipment needed: Any short-sleeved tops

Folding T-shirt Skill

Have you spent several minutes trying to fold a t-shirt. Well on this post, I will show you this easy method where you will be able to fold a t-shirt in 3 seconds. 

This is an easy skill to learn which will be great for you to do on your own but most importantly impress your parents as well.

The method:

Start by lying your shirt on its back

Next, draw an imaginary line halfway between the top and bottom of the T-shirt as shown here
Add another line about halfway between the centre line of the T-shirt and the outside edge about here

The point where the lines cross will be point A, the top point will be point B and the bottom point C

Start by pinching your shirt at point A with your left hand and point B with your right hand
Then cross your right hand over to pick up point C
Quickly unfold your arms

Finally, fold the shirt back on itself

 This method works for any short-sleeved from T-shirts to polo tops to shirts.
With practice, you'll be able to do this method and even quicker than me. 😛

Watch the video to learn the folding T-shirt skill:

Thanks guys and hope you enjoyed the post today. Be sure to leave a comment on how you found learning the folding T-shirt skill and be sure to check out some of my other blog posts.😃

Friday 19 February 2021

Leaf Hedgehogs Craft

 Age Range: 4-11

Equipment needed: A4 sheet paper, black felt tip pen, brown leaves and PVA glue or stick glue

Leaf Hedgehogs Craft
With leaves already heavily fallen from the trees, I thought it would be fun on this blog post to get crafty with them and make this leaf hedgehogs craft.🦔
 This craft activity is fun to do and teaches children about the use of different kinds of leaves.
You only require a handful of materials as seen by the image below.
 Leaves you do use must be really dry as they will wrinkle afterwards if they are not
To make your own leaf hedgehogs craft:
 Draw a line coming from the side of your leaf for the mouth and a circle on top for the eye
Draw hedgehog spikes on the leaf and you can draw as many as you would like to
On your other leaf, draw a line from the side for the mouth and a similar circle on top for the eye of your hedgehog
Like before, draw another set of hedgehog spikes on your leaf
Glue both leaves down on your piece of paper with either stick glue or PVA glue

Draw little legs on your leaf by adding two pairs of small lines heading down on the bottom of your leaf similar to the image below

Add another two pairs of small legs to your other leaf like the ones you have previously drawn
You have made your own leaf hedgehogs
Feel free to make how ever many you would want to with your leaves

Watch the leaf hedgehogs craft video:

Thank you and hope you enjoyed the blog post. Please leave in the comments how you found making these leaf hedgehogs craft as well as any feedback you may have and be sure to check out some of my other blog posts on Danny's Blog.😊🦔

Friday 12 February 2021

Heart in Hand Card

 Age Range: 3-11

 Equipment needed: Card or Paper, scissors and a pencil
Heart in Hand Card
On this blog post, I have a themed craft activity for you guys to try. I'm going to be showing you guys step by step on how to make your own heart in hand card which is great for Valentine's Day, Mother's Day and even Father's Day.
This craft activity helps develop your creativity and construction skills.
To make your own heart in hand card: 
Take your card or paper and fold it down the center, pinch the edge to make a clean crease

 Place your hand over the folded card/paper, making sure your pointer finger and thumb hand over the crease slightly

Trace the outline of your whole hand

Cut out the line you have just drawn
You have made your own heart in hand card. 
Feel free to write a message on your card with a pen if you would like to.

Here are some other examples of different heart in hand cards you could make

Watch the heart in hand card video:

Thank you and hope you enjoyed the blog post. Please leave in the comments how you found making your own heart in hand card as well as any feedback you may have with this post and be sure to check out some of my other blog posts on Danny's Blog. Have a wonderful Valentine's Day!! 😊💓

Friday 5 February 2021

Duck Palm Art

 Age Range: 4-11

Equipment needed: A4 sheet paper, black, yellow and orange felt tip pen
Duck Palm Art

Have you ever wanted to learn how to draw a duck? Well you can do this, simply by using the palm of your hand. ✋🦆

To draw your duck:
 With your paper on landscape view, place your left hand on the paper with your thumb facing upwards and your fingers facing out

Draw round your hand
Draw a line to connect your hand together similar to the image below
Draw a small line at the top of your thumb for the eyebrow. Next, for your eye draw two circles close to the side of your thumb with one circle drawn inside the other circle
Colour the inner circle of your eye with a black pen 
(Ensure there is a small white circle left in your eye)

 For the beak, draw a small line next to your eye with the beak having a sharp point and a conical shape (cone)

On the body of your duck, draw a cloud shape making sure you leave a small unfinished gap at the top of your cloud
For the duck's feet, draw two small lines with both linking to the bottom of your feet drawn in the shape of a diamond star with only 4 points
Colour the beak in with a yellow pen
Colour the cloud shape on the duck's body with a yellow pen similar to the image below
Colour both feet in with an orange pen
You have drawn your own duck palm art

Watch the Duck Palm Art video:

Thank you and hope you enjoyed the blog post. Please leave in the comments how you found drawing your own duck as well as any feedback you may have. Please also leave in the comments any animals you'd like me to draw for you guys and be sure to check out some of my other blog posts on Danny's Blog.😊🦆