Friday 29 January 2021

Indoor Bowling

 Age Range: 6-11

Equipment: 6 bottles, 1 ball

Indoor Bowling

In this post, you will find a step by step guide on how to make and play your own indoor bowling game


To play this game:


You first will need to arrange your bottles into a pyramid similar to the image below

To do this, place three bottles first each in a line with a 1 inch bag in between each of them


Next, place another 2 bottles in front of the current 3

Finally, place 1 more bottle ahead of the 2 bottles you have just placed

With your bottles all placed, all you need to do now is take a couple of steps back, and roll your ball so that it can knock down as many bottles as possible

To progress this game:
  • You could use a smaller ball
  • Try using bigger plastic bottles
  • Play this game outside 
  • Go more steps back from the target to test your rolling ability

Thanks guys and hope you enjoyed the blog post today. Be sure to leave a comment on how you found playing this game and be sure to check out our some of my other blog posts I have posted. 😊

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