Friday 15 January 2021

Domino Rally

 Age Range: 3-11   

Equipment needed: Dominoes and Household items

Domino Rally

On this post, I will be showing how to create your own domino rally. A domino rally is a chain reaction which can be caused by a set of tumbling dominoes. 
This is great for indoor and outdoor play and can also help with construction play, teamwork and problem solving. 


How to create your domino rally                                                                                       Place your dominoes one behind the other with a 3cm gap in between each of them. It's important you have a 3cm gap in between them so that there is enough space and that the dominoes will fall onto the corresponding domino and thus keeping the rally going.


Domino Rally 1

For the first domino rally, just like the image below, you could set up a simple rally where the dominoes are in a straight line one behind the other and have them fall onto each other. You could even add a target at the end of this rally for example a ball aiming to land into a cup from the result of the rally.

Domino Rally 2

To progress the domino rally, you could change the pattern of the rally by creating a curved domino rally where the dominoes will curve onto one another like the image below.

Household Domino Rally

To progress the domino rally and make the activity more interesting, you could even create your own rally by using household items. When using household items, items used must topple over and they can't be too big. It's entirely up to you what items you use and the best part is..... you made it yourself.

 Watch the video to see how to play domino rally:

 Thank you and hope you enjoyed the blog post. Please leave in the comments how you found creating your own domino rallies and be sure to check out some of my other blog posts on Danny's Blog.😊

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